Η εκπληκτική ομορφιά της Καραϊβικής παρουσιάζεται στο Instagram

Άποψη του Σουφριέρ, στη νήσο Ντομίνικα, από την πλεονεκτική θέση της παραλίας Scott's Head ​​στο νοτιοδυτικό άκρο του νησιού. Φωτογραφία από janinephoto, που χρησιμοποιείται με άδεια.

Η Καραϊβική είναι ένας από τους ομορφότερους ταξιδιωτικούς προορισμούς στον κόσμο. Και παρόλο που η περιοχή θεωρείται συχνά ως μονόλιθος (ήλιος, θάλασσα, άμμος) από τους έξω, κάθε περιοχή, ακριβώς απέναντι από το αρχιπέλαγος, διαθέτει μοναδικά τοπία, χλωρίδα και πανίδα, φεστιβάλ και πολιτισμό.

Με τις επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής κρίσης να θέτουν απειλές σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο (και συγκεκριμένα, στα νησιωτικά έθνη), καθίσταται ακόμα πιο σημαντικό για την Καραϊβική να συνδέσει τον τουρισμό, ο οποίος είναι σημαντικός για πολλές περιφερειακές οικονομίες, με την περιβαλλοντική ευαισθητοποίηση.

Ο λογαριασμός Instagram του MEP Caribbean Publishers, του εκδοτικού οίκου που παράγει το Caribbean Beat, καθώς και άλλες ταξιδιωτικές εκδόσεις, όπως το Discover Trinidad and Tobago, έχουν κάνει καλή δουλειά στο να προβάλλουν την ομορφιά της περιοχής σε μια προσπάθεια να προωθήσουν τον υπεύθυνο, βιώσιμο τουρισμό.

Η τροφοδοσία του λογαριασμού τους στο Instagram συχνά διαθέτει εκπληκτικά (και ελάχιστα γνωστά) σημεία που θα σας κόψουν την ανάσα…

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In what was once a Capuchin pilgrimage church of the same name in Siparia — a town settled by the first Spanish colonists — stands a dark-skinned statue of the Virgin Mary as La Divina Pastora (the Divine Shepherdess). But this is not her only name, and Catholics are not the only ones who celebrate her. She is the Black Madonna. Siparee or Supari Mai (mother of Siparia). Kali. Durga. Lakshmi. The Patron Saint of Siparia. The Miracle Mother. Many miracles have been attributed to her by ardent devotees. For her feast day (the third Sunday after Easter), the “Miracle Mother” is decorated by Catholics with flowers, dressed in white, and processed through the streets, followed by celebrations open to all. On the Thursday night (Holy or Maundy Thursday) and Good Friday before Easter, Hindu pilgrims visit the church with acts of devotion — offerings of oil, rice, jewellery, rice, flowers, and the giving of alms to the needy — and recognising her most of all as “mother”. Dr Noor Kumar Mahabir has observed that in recent times, a Kali-Mai Hindu poojari has occupied the church grounds, who collects donations from worshippers to perform jharying, or protecting the celebrant from illness or calamity. As such, Holy Thursday and Good Friday mark the start of weeks of veneration by both Hindus and Catholics, celebrating the festivals of Siparee Mai and La Divina Pastora. Globally, this unique cross-cultural celebration makes Trinidad one of the only countries in the world with active veneration of Black Madonna/Virgin statues. Have a blessed and beautiful day and weekend! Photo: Ariann Thompson/MEP Publishers #discovertnt #festivals #siparia #capuchin #sipareemai #suparimai #ladivinapastora #thedivineshepherdess #hindu #romancatholic #catholic #goodfriday #maundythursday #holythursday #blackmadonna #blackvirgin #veneration #madonnamurti #multicultural #ttunseen #trinidad #trinidadandtobago

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Each Easter in Tobago, the village of Buccoo hosts the Family Day and Goat & Crab Races. The animals hurtle down a special 110m (160ft) track to the finish line, hustled on by barefoot “jockeys” who sprint behind their charges, holding the colourfully attired goats on long ropes, and the crabs on short strings. The showdown happens each Easter Monday and Tuesday at Mt Pleasant, as well as Buccoo (the main location). There’s a repeat later in the year at the Heritage Festival. Alpines, Toggenburgs and Saanens are the types of goats raced each year. To prepare for the events, they are given special diets (oats, vitamins, pigeon peas for iron) and months of training; stamina is built by taking the goats swimming. Photo: Edison Boodoosingh, as published in Discover Trinidad & Tobago. @visittobago @gotrinbago #discovertnt #trinidadandtobago #tobago #travel #guide #Caribbean #travelguide #animalonearth #animal_beauty #nature_brilliance #ilivewhereyouvacation #easter #traditions #eastermonday #eastertuesday #goatracing #crabracing #goats #crabs #islandlife #festivals #familyday #buccoo #mtpleasant #Alpines #Toggenburgs #Saanens

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If you've never been turtle-watching, the season is now in full swing. It is a truly humbling and inspiring experience. Here, a giant leatherback turtle makes its way to the sea from Grande Riviere beach at dawn. Photo: Stephen Jay Photography, as published in Discover Trinidad & Tobago magazine #trinidad #trinidadandtobago #travel #guide #mobilemag #Caribbean #travelphotography #travelguide #wildlifetrinidad #naturelovers #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wild_animalsgram #animalonearth #wildlifeaddicts #animal_beauty #nature_brilliance #trinidadbiodiversity #leatherbacks #leatherbackturtles #turtles #endangeredspecies #beaches #ttunseen #ilivewhereyouvacation @gotrinbago #discovertnt

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